Sunday, June 17, 2012

Popsicles for Cats

It's summer time! and everyone wants a frozen treat when it's so hot outside. even cats! luckily, i have a recipe for Popsicles that isn't unhealthy for your feline friend. unlike the Popsicles we eat, which aren't good for cats, these are completely cat friendly. as you can see from the pic to the left, my cat sugar loves the tuna flavor of these. so, here's the recipe: PS: credit goes to AAWL ( Arizona Animal Welfare League ) for giving me the recipe. :)

What you will need:

  • 1 can of tuna
  • 32 ounces of plain yogurt ( vanilla works fine too )
  • a blender
  • Dixie cups ( or any small, paper cups )

blend all ingredients, including the water from the can of tuna, in a blender ( or food processor ) until creamy and smooth. pour the blended ingredients into Dixie cups and freeze over night or until solid. when they are ready to serve, cut the paper of one of the Dixie cups and pop the Popsicle out onto a paper plate and watch your feline friend lick away. remember, only serve one at a time. too much of a good thing isn't such a good thing!

i hope you enjoy making tuna Popsicles for your kitty! have fun this summer!

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