Monday, June 25, 2012

Can Of Fun Kitty Craft

Cats love things that make noise. so, i created this. which i have named: The Can Of Fun! it's basically a can with beads inside to make noise.kittens especially love it because of the noise it makes. and it's fun to roll around on the floor and watch them run after it. it's a pretty easy craft to make, and provides lots of fun for the cats. so, here's how you make it:

What You Will Need:

  • An empty cardboard can ( by cardboard i mean like the cans they use for "Slim Jims" )
  • some fabric
  • a few beads

Wrap the fabric around the can and trim as needed. then, attach the fabric to the can. put a few beads in the can. five or six is a good amount. put the top on the can. tape or glue it down so it does not fall off. roll it on the floor with your cat and watch your kitty run after it!

if you'd like, you can also fill one with treats and not tape the top down. then when your cats done playing, you can open it up and give your cat a treat! have fun playing!

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Nyan Cat!