Monday, June 18, 2012

Catnip Tea

Catnip is an herb and can therefore be used to make tea. and, since it is made out of just catnip and water, cats can drink it too! you might not think you'd want  to eat catnip yourself but it has been used in calming teas and isn't unhealthy for people. i know what your thinking, "calming? doesn't it make cats crazy?" well, it's different with people. cats may react to catnip by rolling on the floor, but for people it's actually quite relaxing. i found this recipe in the book "You Bake 'Em Cat Treats" by Gabrielle Tolliver, which you can get in the kit "You Bake 'Em Cat Treats". as you can see, my cat sugar will lick his lips even at the mention of catnip, so this is a great recipe for cats and their owners. so, before i start going on and on about it, here's the recipe:

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of dried catnip
  • 1 cup of hot water

Steep catnip in hot ( not quite boiling ) water for about 6 minutes. strain and cool and your ready to serve! you and your cat can drink catnip tea, so grab two cups ( or a cup and a bowl, if your cat prefers drinking from a bowl. ) to serve. you can add sweetener to your cup if you'd like, but no sweetener for your kitty. it isn't good for them. :)

If you like making home made treats for your cat, i recommend getting the kit i mentioned above for more ideas. Enjoy your tea!

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Nyan Cat!